Sunday, March 11, 2012


I must admit that I've been thinking whether to share this or not for quite a while now... Mainly because I've had some trouble with receiving my orders and definitely didn't want to put my dear readers into any. But now that all the trouble's been solved and I've received everything I've ever ordered (and made a new order straight away) - I can proudly announce to you:

Sabo Skirt is an on-line clothing store located in Australia. Behind this name stand two beautiful ladies and best friends - Thessy and Yiota, who put enourmous effort and all their love into what they do. 

I must also admit that they are rapidly growing - I used to be able to "consider" buying stuff for a couple of days, and now you have to think really quick - things get sold out in a matter of hours!

And no wonder. Their style is... mmm... unbelievable. Simple yet individual, always "with a twist", but what's most important - ahead of the trend. At least this works for Russia - what I order and receive in a month's time begins to be TALKED about a few months later, not to mention WORN...

They've also got an awesome blog! Oh well, you can see it all for yourself at , and follow them on Instagram and bloglovin'.

P.S.: ordering is safe. It ALWAYS gets delivered. You can track it on-line. If the package gets lost they will refund you the total amount of your order - but you'll have to pay them back again when your package arrives - because it WILL eventually, trust me - just to be fair:-)


They also have beautiful accessories:

Aaaaand some pics of me wearing Sabo Skirt goodies!
Silver cuffs:

Gold metal belt:

Mesh insert bodysuit:

Long gold metal cuffs and Aztek skirt:

Orange skirt (but this should wait for summer, I know):

Hurry to order lots of gorgeous stuff - spring is on it's way!


  1. Как обычно Алина открывает мне глаза=)))))
    Последний лук вооооообще нравится.
    Тебе идет красная помада *зависть*

    *лошааааааааааааадка ^^


    1. Дааа, лошадка милейшая:-) В общем, если во что-то влюбляешься, надо брать! А то сна лишаешься надооолго:-)))))

  2. Все наряды хорошо продуманны и тебе очень и очень подходят!

  3. LOVE the pictures and planning on ordering some clothes but was a little skeptical
