Friday, October 26, 2012

Meet Me Out In Space

Don't listen to the world - they say we're never gonna make it.

Ended up in Mc'Donalds yesterday while searching through one of Moscow's areas for a place with Wi-Fi and coffee... And can you imagine? Had girls following me to the ladies' room to take pics of me in the outfit I was wearing (pics below) asking if I had some special occasion or if I dress like that every day!

To be honest - yeah, I do, simply because I can. I never could before, for various reasons. I studied hard, my family wouldn't let me, and I must say working at a law firm doesn't get you far in that direction, either.

I must admit at this point that I have no idea whatsoever where this road will lead me - all I know is I'm happy now like I've NEVER been before and I am finally free to be myself or whoever the hell in the world I wanna be, open to everything coming my way. Remember what Lana asked all of us at the end of her music video for "Ride"?..

So what was your answer?

I know what mine would've been a little over a year ago. I was a different person.

But now I know my answer for sure and it's completely new for me.

Today is yesterday's tomorrow. Don't wait for another chance to be happy. Your time is NOW.

Much love and may you have the strength to listen to your heart only.

xoxo, Alina

A little P.S.: as some of you may know I'm a vegetarian with concern growing on the daily. I have a ridiculous amount of fur coats I still haven't decided what to do with yet, but I decided a while ago on gradually transferring my wardrobe to animal-friendly materials.

So welcome - my first Vegan Leather Bomber from Minusey. I'M. ABSOLUTELY. LO-O-OVIN' IT!!!


  1. А откуда потрясающий вязаный свитер???

    1. Это не свитер, это мой фаворит последних дней, вот такая вот штука:)

  2. КЛАСС!!!!!! Обожаю этот блог! Молодец! Так держать!!!

  3. Could you be any more perfect? Love the dip-dye hair! Looks rad on you!!!
