Monday, October 22, 2012


A while ago I posted a picture on IG with my first ever Unif item. These are the legendary Hellbounds -  step two for anyone who's already completed the JC Lita step:-) I have - more than ever - so when I felt I was ready I ordered these babies.

If someone thought my shoes were crazy before - hold back! The Hellbounds take shoe insanity to a whole new level. I've never owned grey shoes before so the color choice was obvious - but should I even mention that now that I know they fit and I love them I want all the other colors, too? Getting the pink ones next for sure!!!

Meanwhile it's getting FREEZING in Moscow and it's gonna become difficult to take outfit pictures outside soon... What a pity. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these pictures and I wish you a great day!

Photographer - Kirill Kireev

Grey Knit - Sabo Skirt
Shorts - DIY 7 For All Mankind
Earrings - Asos (similar here)
Arm Candy - Shu Means Love, Fashionology and others
Hosiery - Calzedonia


  1. *evil laugh* thaaaaanksssss:)))

  2. Алина, а откуда эти шорты? Оч крутые

    1. Спасибки:) Сама сделала, обрезав старые джинсы! Заклепки всякие и шипы покупала тут -
      Давно, правда:)

  3. Пост понравился очень. Почаще бы... Очень интересен стиль!!!
